// READING the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard has been such a joy! There were definitely plenty mind-blowing moments for me. As much as I wished for a slightly better (or maybe predictable) ending, I am glad that the series chase has finally ended.
// LISTENING to Jr blabbing to a sticker pasted on parents' cabinet by the younger version of yours faithfully. She will be moving on to frustrated mode after getting no response from her speech.
// THINKING if I should replace my current bag with the exact one from Jo Totes or Le Pliage tote bag from Longchamp. This dilemma will kill me for a long time.
// SMELLING McDonald's hotcake with syrup scent from the perspired Jr. Am I hallucinating?
// WISHING there's more hours in a day!
// HOPING the weather hasn't been so weird. The heavy downpour from earlier on made it more humid instead of the cooling objective. Booo!
// WEARING an ache on my shoulder and arm. I'm guessing this was from the constant carrying from yesterday's lunch affair.
// WANTING to visit bazaar this year has been quite failed. I doubt I will have any chances with just two more weeks to go before Hari Raya.
// NEEDING longer hours of sleep, or better yet uninterrupted sleep!
// FEELING my stomach growling. Perhaps it time to call for dinner!
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